Product customizer for your most in demand products
So, instead of answering phones give customers the opportunity to see:
- That yes, indeed this is something we are offering.
- You can order it here right away in a self-service manner, because our phones are running hot.
- These are the dimensions we offer – and yes of course you can try to call us if your requirements are not exactly what we offer online.
- This is all the information we need from you to get you your product.
- This is how your product looks like.
- This is what it costs.
- This is the expected delivery time.
Introducing the Coshape product customizer
- Collect the exact customer specifications you need – every time.
- Provide instant quotes so your customers always know exactly what price to expect and you don’t loose money on the quote.
- Get the CAD data for production you need.
- Give customers a prerender of their exact custom product, making it easier for them to visualize it as if they’ already have it.
- Engage customers with an excellent product experience of yours. And, as the Ikea-effect explains: if you co-create a product, you value the product more.